

Dear Customer:We do apologize for the inconvenience. ue to recent changes in our order review process we would need the below information to proceed with the order. 1.   A copy of your credit card statement, concealing all but the last (4) digits of your card number, and displaying your billing name and address or a copy of the card itself also concealing all but the last four digits 2.   A copy of your driver’s license or government issued identification card with the cardholder’s information. 3.Please reply to: credit@carters.comOnce again we apologize for any inconvenience. Respectfully, | 大家帮我看看这个意思是审核,要我的信用卡及身份证复印吗?为什么会要这呀
2014-07-15 11:51:22
  • 不明白为什么要这些的copy,我前几天才下的单,什么都没要啊,昨天已经发货了

  • 我礼拜五下的,难道是我买太多了?

  • LZ还是很悲剧的,我10号第一次在carter's买东西,很顺利地就发货了,只是fedex不给力,要到16号才能到天翼的地址。你还是按照电子邮件的要求,复印一下你的信用卡,但要把前12位给遮住,只保留后四位,并且在复印一下你的驾照或者身份证给他发过去吧。祝好运。

  • 真的是悲剧,我下了两单,少的一单没要,多的一单要了。身份证是要正反复印还是只要正面啊