

本帖最后由 cooldlh 于 2013-4-5 16:16 编辑 注册账号后第一次购买是成功的(PAYPAL买的),而且已经送到转运了,再我现在下单再买别的东西,就提示一堆红字错误,高手们帮我看看了,谢谢。 错误代码如下:To ensure that eBay remains a safe marketplace, we limit the quantity of items that can be bought or sold by a single account at one time. These limits may change over time and are determined by your previous site activity and overall performance.Currently, your account has reached the limit for bidding and buying, but you can increase this limit by providing additional verification. Thank you for your understanding.Please follow the directions below to continue.{e40792-638989x} 屏幕快照 2013-04-05 下午3.43.04.png (103.96 KB, 下载次数: 0) 下载附件  保存到相册 2013-4-5 15:49 上传
2014-07-16 10:45:23
  • 大神们来解答吧

  • 谢谢兄弟BD了

  • 大概提示你的账户有购买数量的限制,需要通过一些验证提升账户限制,这种限制会随时间而刷新。

  • 怎么验证提升呢,PAYPAL和电话都验证过了已经,第一笔的消费也已经成功到货了都。

  • 你看看你的账户信息,看看有没有可以提升的验证信息

  • 好吧,我再仔细看下,但上次看过貌似没什么了。

  • 按照上边的提示过一段时间再下单也应该可以