前几日在eastbay买了双鞋,送货地址写的转运公司,账单地址是中国住址。一开始它发来邮件要确认我的信用卡信息,我昨天给它回了,今天又给我来了一封邮件,老鸟们帮我看看具体的意思,谢谢了!Dear , Thank you for your email.
Prior to processing your order, we will need the following information: ·Your complete physical billing address where you receive your credit card statement(clarify street, city, state & zip code) To ensure proper delivery, we ask that you please verify the shipping name and address. Please include any commercial or school names as well as the reason you are shipping to different address in your response.
***PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER*** If you prefer to contact us by phone, please call us at 1-800-991-6828 or international 1-715-261-9588.
Please let us know if we can assist you further.
Sincerely, Laurie G.Payment Verification DepartmentFor the best customer service, please reply with email history and reference customer number 46367208.
2014-12-20 10:27:57
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