

请问下最近有没有同志在eastbay购物成功过。 方便的话说下用什么卡。帮别人问的
2014-12-20 10:26:56
  • 国内卡直接被拒绝的吧

  • 20号之前的订单没事,20号下了2单,取消了1单,另一单生词未卜。 Unfortunately, our credit card verification service has recommended we cancel your order. This was not due to the fact that there are not enough funds available on your credit card. At this time, we are requesting that you prepay for future orders using Western Union or International Money Order . We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • 上个月下过的,工行visa

  • 海外支付应该visa卡都可以吧。