Dear Customer: Thank you for your recent order with Vitacost.
Upon review, we have determined that your order requires additional verification. Orders may be prolonged and/or canceled due to no reply or verification on the orders.
For credit card orders, you may reply to this email or call us. Please provide us with your name as it appears on the credit card, full billing address, shipping address, daytime telephone number, the last four digits of the card, the expiration date, security code and the order amount to verify the order.For Paypal orders, please provide your full name as it appears on your Paypal account, full billing address, shipping address, daytime telephone number, the email address associated with your Paypal account and the order amount.Once the order is verified, it will be released for shipping. Please note that you have three (3) business days to respond from today.
2014-08-21 17:15:16
正常提供给客服就好 没问题 我也遇到过
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- 谁知道最新的ashford手表 MOVADO的优惠码?感谢!
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- 时差问题 新泽西的8am-6pm是中国的几点到几点啊
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