求助大神 如何让USPS 原件退回去啊,转运肯定不会拒签的吧?
这个应该是没办法中途退回了,拒收很难的, 有时候邮递员把货一放就走了
好的 不过他们说只能商家弄,收件人不可以的
我刚刚看了下 USPS是可以 网上操作 HOLD,但是时间最长30天 超出电话告知,就是没写明可以返回去
What are the minimum / maximum lengths of time the Post Office will hold my mail? Hold Mail requests must be for a minimum duration of 3 days. The maximum duration for Hold Mail requests is 30 days. If you need mail held longer than 30 days, please contact your local Post Office. Note: Hold Mail requests are not necessary for Post Office Box customers. The mail is allowed to accumulate up to 30 days. Leaving without a HoldIf a mail receptacle is deemed by the carrier to be full and the letter carrier knows that customers still live at that location, the mail is brought back to the office and a PS Form 3849 (Delivery Attempt Notice) is left in the mail receptacle. Customers receiving this notice may schedule a redelivery of available mail. Customers that do not receive a notice will need to go to their local Post Office and present a photo I.D. to pickup held mail and resume delivery. The Post Office will automatically hold any accumulated mail for up to 10 days. After the 10 days, mail is returned to sender.Note: Any mail received from day 11 on is treated as undeliverable and returned to sender.Hold Mail will not extend the length of time that Priority Mail Express items or other items are held before return. If the return date for a specific item is prior to the 10 calendar days, it will be returned to the sender based on the earlier date.
谁来翻译这个 Hold Mail will not extend the length of time that Priority Mail Express items or other items are held before return. If the return date for a specific item is prior to the 10 calendar days, it will be returned to the sender based on the earlier date. 。看见个敏感词, returned to the sender .
好像是说包裹可以让USPS放到当地邮局,如果多少天不处理的话,就会自动返还给发件方。不知道有没有人操作过。 但是,这里有个问题,像这种情况,你是不是还得掏邮费?就相当于地址错误无法投递返还给发件方一样。
貌似不要钱的 ,直接退回去,无处投递。不过我刚看了下 前提是 leaving without hold .我刚刚网上做了HOLD动作了。然后留言说地址不正确 退回发货方 我等着他们的回信。我来做个小白鼠吧
重新申请了下。貌似只要地址OK 就好 不关乎什么UPSP tracking no.那是不是只要这个地址,所有的邮件都被耽搁了
是不是所有寄这个地址的 快递都被我耽搁了
我在6pm下的鞋子也是 发邮件取消还是发货了 转运公司估计是不会拒收了 关键我用的转运还不能退货 我真是要泪奔了 4双鞋子啊
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